Equipment for oil and
gas industry

+7 (342) 238-61-01

54 Fominskaya str., Perm

Drilling procedure supervision

JSC NGT provides services of engineering supervision of leased equipment on oil fields of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Engineering, technological and processing supervision means: 

  • selecting hydraulic downhole motor according technical and power specifications that suit profile of geological cross-section, applied bits, mud pump power and other parameters;
  • testing performance of leased equipment before using it downhole;
  • controlling bottomhole assembly of leased equipment;
  • selecting best drilling parameters that suit profile of geological cross-section, applied bits, well profile, bottomhole assembly and drilling rig configuration;
  • teaching drilling crew how to exploit equipment and controlling their performance;
  • giving recommendations to correct drilling parameters to improve and upgrade drilling parameters;
  • giving recommendations when hazard situations appear;
  • collecting information on the leased equipment performance, preparation and approval of needed reporting and technological documentation;
  • supervision of leased equipment by our engineer straight on the drilling site.